MOOV Fitness Coach
Dubbed the “Siri of Sweat”, in 2014 MOOV launched the world’s first AI-powered fitness device. The company smashed crowdfunding records by attracting $1 million in funding in just two weeks. Since then, MOOV has positioned itself as the force fighting against the 2,000 step “bullsh*t workout”, focusing instead on full body workouts and the idea that sweat is greater than steps.
While working with Moov I drafted press assets, wrote pitches, built media lists, and pitched stories to target reporters and bloggers. Most notably, I created and placed a print advertisement in Unsubscribe Magazine, an up-and-coming lifestyle publication.
Goals: Secure coverage in target tech and fitness outlets, help drive sales with positive press, attract new investors to the company.
Type: Marketing, copywriting, and public relations.